
An StructOverlay is a special Lua type that allows access to the memory of a structure. It has index and newindex metamethods that access to the members of the structure seamlessly, with no magic numbers/offsets, completely externally*.

* This is not true if using luagenny outside of regenny. By default it operates on memory as if it was in the same context as the current process. regenny overrides luagenny's read and write functions to read and write from the target process.

Example assuming Foo is:

struct Foo {
    int a;
    int b;
local sdk = regenny:sdk() -- in another application, this would be different.
local overlay = sdkgenny.StructOverlay(0xdeadbeef, sdk:global_ns():find_type("Foo"))
overlay.a = 123
overlay.b = 456

Static methods

sdkgenny.StructOverlay(address: number, struct: sdkgenny.Struct)

Creates and returns a new StructOverlay.


self.index(key: string or number)

Or in other words, or self[1].

When key is a string, it returns the value of the member at the given key. Structs and Pointers are automatically returned as StructOverlay or PointerOverlay respectively.

When key is a number, it treats the structure as an inlined array and returns a new StructOverlay at the given index. Essentially, it returns self:address() + (key * self:type():size()).

self.newindex(key: string, value: any)

Or in other words, = 123

When key is a string, it sets the value of the member at the given key.


Returns the sdkgenny.Struct that this overlay is for.