
A PointerOverlay is a special Lua type for interacting with pointers. When the pointed to structure is an sdkgenny.Struct, it is not much different from an sdkgenny.StructOverlay, but when the pointed to type is a primitive type or a pointer, it has different behavior.


self.index(key: string or number)

Or in other words, or self[1].

When key is a string

It returns the value of the member at the given key. This will only work if the pointed to type is an sdkgenny.Struct.

When key is a number

It treats the pointer as an array.

If the pointed to type is a primitive type, it returns the value at the given index. Essentially, it returns self:ptr() + (key * self:type():to():size()), and dereferences the pointer.

If the pointed to type is a pointer, it returns a new sdkgenny.PointerOverlay at the given index. Essentially, it returns self:ptr() + (key * platform_pointer_size), and dereferences the pointer.

self.newindex(key: string, value: any)

Or in other words, = 123

When key is a string, it sets the value of the member at the given key.


Returns the address of the pointer itself.


Returns the pointed to address.


Returns the sdkgenny.Pointer that this overlay is for.